Title: Can You Hear Me?
Grade: 4th Grade
Duration: 45 Minutes
Science – SC.4.P.10.3
Investigate and explain that sound is produced by vibrating objects and that pitch depends on how fast or slow the object vibrates
Would you be able to hear the vibration of sound energy?
Compression • Waves • Refraction • Vibrations • Substance • Intensity • Sound Energy • Noise • Decibels • Frequency • Amplitude • Volume • Pitch • Transfer
Essential Question
- Why is sound considered a form of energy?
- How is energy produced from the vibration of an object?
Background Information
Sound Energy
Imagine not being able to hear a sound! Sound is the movement of energy through objects. This form of energy is created when a force causes an object or substance to vibrate—Sound energy then moves through the substance in the form of a wave. These vibrations create sound waves, which move through mediums such as air and water before reaching our ears. Sound, like light, travels in waves and is usually measured by the pressure and intensity it produces-transferring from one place to another.
The height of the wave (amplitude) and the closeness of the waves are to each other (frequency) is how we measure volume and pitch. The higher amplitude, the louder the volume of the sound, and the greater the frequency of the waves, the higher the pitch will be. Usually, sound energy is not as powerful as other forms of energy.
Guided Questions
- How is energy transferred?
- What is a vibration?
- How are vibrations created?
- How does energy transfer?
- How is sound energy produced?
- How is sound energy used?
- What is a pitch?
This experiment is an investigation of sound energy. During this experiment students will be able to recognize that sound can be transferred from energy.
- Tuning fork
- Piece of paper
- Plastic container of water
- Take the tuning fork and hit it against something soft. Try not to hit it against the desk as it might damage the tuning fork.
- You may try hitting the bottom of your sneaker’s rubber sole.
- What do you hear?
- What do you see?
- Record your observations.
- Repeat the process of hitting the tuning fork.
- Now hold the vibrating tuning fork next to the piece of paper.
- What did you observe?
- Record & draw your observations.
- Fill a plastic container half full with water.
- Repeat the process of hitting the tuning fork.
- Now stick the tuning fork into the water.
- What do you see?
- Watch the movement of the water.
- What do you think happened?
- You just watched energy being transferred!
- Record and draw your observation.
- Share your results.