Title: Balloons and Static Electricity Labs
Grade Level: 5th Grade
Duration: 15 Mins
Problem Statement
How does static electricity work?
- Balloons
- Hair
- Wall
Procedure #1
- Blow up two balloons.
- Rub each balloon in your hair for about 30 to 45 seconds.
- Place the balloons next to each other without allowing them to touch.
- Observe the interaction of the balloons.
- What was the charge on each balloon?
- What was the charge on your hair?
- What happened when you placed the charged balloons next to each other?
- What happened to your hair when you rubbed them with the balloons?
Procedure #2
- Rub one of the balloons with your hair.
- Place the balloon against the wall.
- Observe what happens.
- What did you observe when you placed the balloon against the wall?
- Why do you think this happened?