Title: Energy Bumper Sticker Challenge
Grade: 6th Grade
Duration: 20-45 Minutes
Science – SC.6.P.11.1
Explore the Law of Conservation of Energy by differentiating between potential and kinetic energy. Identify situations where kinetic energy is transformed into potential energy and vice versa.
Language Arts – LAFS.6.RL.1.2
Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details provide.
The student will be able to distinguish the differences between renewable and nonrenewable energy.
Alternative Energy • Renewable Energy • Geothermal • Biomass • Solar Energy • Wind Energy • Natural Gas • Fuel Cells • Hydropower
- A wide variety of colored construction paper
- Markers, crayons
- Scissors
- Sample list written on board
- Energy at A Glance Posters
Prior to starting this activity decide if you want it to be a group activity or individual activity.
- Divide the students into five or more teams
- Distribute materials
- Using what they have learned, instruct them to each come up with their own bumper sticker.
- On either the Interactive board or blackboard share the following examples:
- NRGWSTER: (Energy Waster) a person who doesn’t believe in conserving our energy
- SLRNRG: (Solar Energy) a type of renewable energy
- WINTRBIN: (Wind turbine) a type of renewable energy that resembles a wind mill
- Prior to starting this activity decide if you want it to be a group activity or individual activity.
- Get Set Divide the students into five or more teams. Distribute materials
- Each group will be given one of the Energy at a Glance Posters to read among themselves
- Instruct them to each come up with their own bumper sticker:
- As a group they should share each and select the one they feels represents the topic best and create the new bumper sticker to share at the end of class. Students must share their bumper sticker and explain which type of energy they represent and why they felt that the newly created bumper sticker is best suited for this form of energy.
- Have each student create their own bumper sticker that best represents the energy topic. Students will share their bumper sticker and explain which type of energy they represent and why they felt that the newly created bumper sticker is best suited for this form of energy.
Extension Activity
Make the activity a challenge as each student/group shares their bumper sticker are others stumped? Create a rubric to give points for most creative, stumping the class , and renewable energy, etc.
Adapted from Games and Icebreakers