Title: A Lukewarm Experiment
Grade: 6th Grade
Duration: 20 Minutes
Almost 300 years ago, John Locke was convinced that the sense of touch could not be used to measure temperature. He came up with a simple experiment to prove his point. Now it’s time for you to try it yourself.
Science – SC.6.P.11.1
Explore the Law of Conservation of Energy by differentiating between potential and kinetic energy. Identify situations where kinetic energy is transformed into potential energy and vice versa.
The student will be able to determine if John Locke’s theory stating that the sense of touch could not be used to make temperature.
Temperature • Joule • Potential Energy • Kinetic Energy
- 3 bowls
- Ice cubes
- Tap water
Will your hands be able to feel the difference in the water temperature?
- Fill one bowl with water s hot as you can comfortably rest your hand in it.
- Fill another bowl with cold water and add ice to it.
- Fill the last bowl with lukewarm water
- Place on hand in the bowl of hot water while you put the other hand in the bowl of cold water. Do this simultaneously. How do your hands feel?
- Next, put both hands in the bowl of lukewarm water. Now how do your hands feel?
What you can expect?
When you place the hand that has been in the hot water, in the lukewarm water, it will feel cold. And believe it or not,when you place the hand that has been in the ice water in,the lukewarm water, it will feel warm.
Adapted from: Everything you need to know about Science